Did you know that yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse? 1,134 people died, and 2,500 people were hurt, while making clothes for the western world.
This was just a few months before I began to work full-time in the fashion industry. Since then, I've embraced learning in depth about supply chains, raw materials, and the amazing individuals who craft the things we wear. Ethical and sustainable fashion has morphed from a minor interest into a full-fledged passion.
I am proud to participate in Fashion Revolution Week (@fash_rev) by attending lectures, panels, and events dedicated to growing awareness, nurturing curiosity and empowering a future of positive change. To learn more, check out https://www.fashionrevolution.org/. I'll also be posting about my experiences here, and in real time at @melbaratbours on instagram.